Нашел очень грамотный мод "Realism Mod v1.0 "
(смотреть и качать тут: http://www.twcenter.net/downloads/db/?mod=101)
требует предустановленный патч 1.1
Полный список исправлений:
Кусок из этого списка:
- Egypt is now The Ptolemaic Empire. Spain is now Iberia.
- Greek Royal Pikeman now use pikes, instead of simple spears. Thanks to Eldaran for creating this fix first!
- Wardogs are now EXCLUSIVE to the Barbarian factions. Roman factions can no longer produce these animals.Added Wardogs ability to Hide In Long Grass and Run Amok. Changed Attack from 14 to 12. Changed cost of upkeep from 40 to 100 to replicate replacement of handlers costs, etc, while still not making them an impossible choice to train. Decreased handler/dog ratio to 8/24.
- All buildings build times extended by 1 turn, except the basic level of wall defences.
- CHANGES MADE TO CARTHAGE: Added Diplomat nearby to Carthago. Carthago Nova starts with a port & a Governor's Villa (Spain was big interest to Carthage, it must have had a damn port), upgraded Carthago's port to a Shipwright. Added a number of ships to bolster their sea defences. Increased 'Iberian infantry' Defensive Skill by 1, and rose attack by 1, and raised recruit cost to 280. Changed the Civ. type to Sailor Caesar. Added assorted buildings to different cities, to make them more technologically advanced. Changed Carthago's population to 7300. Gave the provinces of Numidia, Tripolitania, and Baetica to Carthage, as this was the correct state of the empire at the time of the first Punic War.
- CHANGES MADE TO EGYPT: Altered the Civ. faction type to religious mao. removed a number of buildings from Egypt's various cities, as they were EXTREMELY well advanced compared to nearby (and pretty much every other) factions. Removed many natural resources in their beginning territories. Lowered beginning population amount for each city.
- CHANGES MADE TO NAVAL WARFARE: All ships take 60 population cost. All ships costs have been inflated. the Decere has been replaced with the Quadrireme, and the Corvus Quinquereme is now the best ship buildable. Boats are now named Warships, and Large Boats are named Large Warships. Warships are roughly equal to a Bireme, while Large Warships are only slightly weaker in defense than a Trireme.
- CHANGES MADE TO THE GREEK CITIES: Families have been reworked, so, to replicate 2 seperate leagues, you can choose which families have power in the faction by choosing heirs and leaders. Syracuse is now rebel, along with Pergamum, & Apollonia now belongs to The Greek Cities.
- CHANGES MADE TO THE ROMAN FACTIONS: Hastati, Principes, and Triarii are ALL recruitable with a Militia Barracks. They are now represented in three forms; Early, Contemporary, and Late. Early Hastati, Hastati, Late Hastati. The lowered stats reflect this. Early troops are available with the Militia Barracks. 'Normal' troops are available with City Barracks. Late troops are available with Army Barracks. The Late troops have the regular, CA supplied stats.
- Reduced Base farm Fertility Levels across the whole entire board for a slower, more realistic population growth rate. This, in turn, extends the games longevity.
- Adjusted character trait bonuses. The Good commander trait gives 1 less command bonus, but gives 1 Troop Morale Boost.
- Diminished all cavalry's charge bonus to about 66% of what they once were. This will stop units from routing as easily, but not go as far as to make cavalry flanking negligible.
- Equites stats have been lowered from a 7,4 attack, to 6,3. Defence has been lowered from 3,5,4 to 4,2,3. Previously they had the best defensive rating out of all early cavalry, and only 1 point lower than Long Shield Cavalry. All early Barbarian Cavalry defence has been raised by 1 point to 3,4,4. Equites unit number has been lowered from 27 to 18.
- Praetorian Cohorts now have the same attack value as a Legionary Cohort, but have slightly improved armour levels to reflect their status of being elite, but not super human. Urban Cohorts have the same armour value as Praetorian Cohorts, but have an improved attack. Overall, though, this has been diminished slightly.
;;;;;;;;;;;; NEW & ADDED UNITS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- GALLIC INFANTRY: These are gallic troops only available to Carthage to train. These soldiers contribute to a deverse Carthaginian army.
- NUBIAN MERCENARIES: These are Nubian Spearmen, available to any faction for recruitment in the Nile Delta, Middle Edgypt, or Thebais.
- FUNTIDORES: These are slingers for the Roman factions. In the time before the Marian reforms, the Romans made use of 'slingers', not archers.